Wine draw results

So many of you bought tickets. Thank you. I'm only sorry there could only be 6 winners.

For the record, the winning ticket numbers were 0106, 0138, 0302, 0406, 0667 and 0681.

Some of the wine baskets on display at the garden party

What a fabulous day!

The sun shone, the gods smiled, and there was the most wonderful happy atmosphere at our fund-raising summer garden tea party on Sunday. Thanks to the generosity of friends, neighbours and family, we raised the almost unbelievable sum of £5,000, including over £2,000 on the lovely wine draw. It's almost enough to build 4 more classrooms (though I'm not sure that will be next); it would go a long way to funding a library; it would pay for several new school roofs or a lot of school furniture. I'll keep you posted on what we decide should be done next.

Catherine and Pam selling products from Malawi

The tea party in full swing

To all those who came, donated, made teas, looked after stalls or contributed in a myriad other ways, an enormous thank you!

Don't forget the craft tea party on Sunday!

A lot of people have done a huge amount of work to make Sunday's fund raising event a success. Cakes, scones, teas, prosecco, and lots of lovely things on sale - Malawi craft items, quilting fabrics, cakes, art work, really nice clothes, books, and more. And there will be children's activities too. If you are near, do come along! 2 to 5 pm.  Fingers crossed for a nice day!

Our second school block

Now complete up to windows level. I transferred the balance of funds for the roof and timbers to Christina yesterday, so there is every reason to hope it will be finished before the rainy season starts in November.
5th August 2017